Applying for MAM (Multi Account Manager)

Applying for MAM (Multi Account Manager)

Step 1
Log in to

Step 2
Click “Open New Account"


Step 3
Click “MAM"


Step 4
Complete the application form.

  • Enter the MAM name to be displayed to investors.


  • Enter the password for your MAM trading account.


  • Enter the profit sharing percentage to the MAM.  It cannot be more than 50%.


  • Select the profit sharing method, either HWM or non-HWM. (HWM = High-Water Mark)


  • Enter the lock-in period in month(s).  If it is not applicable, please enter 0.


  • Enter the minimum deposit amount by an investor to join your MAM.  If it is not applicable, please enter 0.


  • Enter the minimum withdrawal amount by an investor.  If it is not applicable, please enter 0.


  • Enter the markup commission per lot traded in pips.  If it is not applicable, please enter 0.


  • Enter your additional terms in English.  This is optional.


  • Select the trading platform for your MAM, either MT4 or MT5.


  • Select the leverage for your MAM trading account.


Step 5
Review the terms and conditions. Check the checkbox "I agree to the Terms and Conditions" and click "Open account".


Step 6
You will receive an email notification of your application and it will take up to 3 business days to be approved.


Step 7
Once your application is approved, you will receive an email notification and a ZIP file containing your MAM licence file.  Please download the MAM client application installer and the ZIP file.




  1. The MT4 or MT5 account number is the MAM code for your investors to enter when they open their Investor Account.
  2. MAM partners will use the MT4 or MT5 account number to log in to their MAM client application.